Guide to Kitchen Cupboard Doors: Styles And Types

kitchen renovations wembley

Your kitchen cupboard doors can make all the difference when it comes to pulling your kitchen or home-style together. Whether you have a modern or a traditional kitchen, your kitchen cupboard doors can bring the perfect finish to your space. 

You might be pulling off a full-on kitchen renovation or just thinking it’s time to replace those worn-out cabinets. Whatever your situation, finding the right kitchen cupboard doors will lift the atmosphere of your kitchen space.

There is a wide range of cabinet doors available so you have many options to choose from. Australian kitchens deserve nothing but the best and soon you’ll know exactly what that is! 

Types Of Kitchen Cabinet Doors

Shaker cabinet doors

These doors have a border that frames the door design. This border makes the doors look more decorative and can add a special, more detailed touch to a simple room.

These doors can also bring a homely feel to the kitchen space. Shaker kitchen cabinet doors work well in homes that are inspired by heritage or nature. 

Slab kitchen cabinet doors

Taking the opposite direction to shaker style doors, slab doors are frameless and sleek. These cabinet doors will fit into a modern-style kitchen flawlessly. 

While shaker doors are constructed out of 5 panels, slab doors are simply 1 panel. This makes them far less decorative, although there is still space to personalise them and ensure that they fit into any home.

Integrated handle cabinet doors

You can also fit slab cupboards with handles. These are a good option if you’re looking to echo other design elements in the kitchen – such as brass or stainless steel décor. Consider grabbing some copper, stainless steel, or other preferred metal, hardware to boost your industrial-style kitchen

However, if you want the ultra-flat surface, we recommend integrated handle cabinet doors. 

The need for handles that stick out is easily removed with this design. If you have a small kitchen, every bit of space counts and these are a fantastic option! These don’t have to be plain. There is a whole world of textures, shades and finishes to explore with this door design!

Finishing Touches For Kitchen Cupboard Doors

Matte finish

Matte kitchens are one of the best kitchen design ideas. Suave and sophisticated, these kitchens reduce reflection, which creates a smooth look. If your kitchen cabinet doors have a matte finish, fingerprints and smudges are no longer a worry! 

Dark colour shades work well with matte finishes, and the pair create a stylish air, to say the least. Dark matte cabinet doors are striking, although lighter colours are also stunning! 

Light matte combinations will leave your cabinet doors looking minimal and earthy. Popular patterns and textures, such as marble or concrete, work beautifully as focal points in matte kitchens! For example, if you have matte cabinets, think about adding in a glass or patterned splashback

black kitchen cupboard doors

Glossy finish

A glossy cabinet or drawer front finish will add a feeling of spaciousness in the kitchen as they reflect light. Glossy cabinets are a great choice if you’re going after a contemporary style. This finish can elevate any interior!

If your kitchen is more suited to paler tones, your glossy cabinets will make the space feel more open. Dark, glossy material can really turn your cabinetry into stand-out features in your kitchen! Glossy cabinets aren’t just stylish, but they’re also hygienic and good at hiding stains. 

Consider pairing this glossy finish with glass-fronted cabinet doors for an ultra-light feeling in the kitchen space. 

Materials For Kitchen Cabinet Doors

Although there are many different materials that you could use, we’re going to focus on three of our favourites. These will not only look stylish but won’t break the budget.

Solid timber

Solid timber is beautiful in classic, country-style kitchens and many others if the design is right. This adds a natural element to the room and is one of the more durable materials.

Solid timber cabinet doors will house your items beautifully and bring a country feel to the space. You can pair a solid timber frame with glass for an open, homely look. 

Medium-density fibreboard (MDF)

This material has the benefits of natural wood, without the high cost. Timber, wax and resin binder are combined to create this great alternative.

Your kitchen design can be lifted by the natural feel of these cabinet doors. You’ll get to save on your budget and rake in some compliments at the same time! 


This material is easy to work with. Chipboard, or particle board, is lighter than MDF and works well in a pared-back kitchen.

This is also a budget-friendly material and can provide a much-needed style boost for your space! 

black and wooden kitchen design with slab cupboard doors

Choosing The Best Kitchen Cabinet Doors

Question what you really need from your drawer fronts and cabinets. If you’re on a budget or a strict schedule, then you might want to avoid that custom-made range of cupboards you’ve had your mind’s eye on. However, if you’re dead set on having cabinets that are true features of the room, custom-made cupboards are the best option to fit the vision you have for your home. 

Think about the colours in your kitchen and the materials that would work best with those. If you have an ultra-modern kitchen, then getting rough-hewn timber cabinetry might not make sense. If you want some bold colours in the kitchen, new cabinet doors are the perfect way to act on this! 

The cabinet door styles, colours and types that are the best for you will ultimately depend on what you use your kitchen for. You need to make the best choice for your lifestyle! Cleaning ease, look and feel, durability, cost and dimensions are all factors to consider here. 

Form And Function Meet In Kitchen Cabinet Doors

If you need a professional opinion, contact Renovation Capital. We’ll help you to achieve the perfect blend of budget-friendly and stylish. Your new kitchen is just a few panels away!

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