Choosing The Right Kitchen Bin For You

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When people consider storage in their new kitchen, they think of all the practical ideas for pots, pans and crockery but many forget about the necessity of an easy-to-access area for kitchen waste – the kitchen bin. 

With so many recycling options these days, we need to have a flexible and practical space not only for the general rubbish but also possible worm farm/compost or Fogo bins, soft plastic recycling and perhaps even the smaller recyclables like batteries, hard plastic bottle lids/bread tags, beauty products & toothbrushes! 

It seems like more and more waste items are being separated with specific recycling capabilities, including the new introduction of the container deposit scheme in WA. We also just want to give a reminder that in-sink waste disposal units are illegal in Western Australia.

Types Of Kitchen Bins


Wilson & Bradley stock a large range of flip-top bins from many brands, the most common configuration being twin bins. The most common size for a large family is a twin 32lt bin (rubbish and recycling) attached to a drawer front for easy opening and are short enough to accommodate a drawer for bin bags or dustpan just above them.

For a smaller household, there are twin 20lt bins that can fit in the base of a sink cabinet or also on a drawer front mounting. You also have the option of getting even smaller twin 10lt bins.

Pull Out Waste Bin

Pull out bins are a great way to keep your rubbish bin hidden and free up some floor space! These are an especially good fit for your home if you have a lot of cupboard space. They tend to be a good size as well, which is great if you’re a household of more than one. The great thing is that you can have two! You can even use one for recycling if you’re an eco-friendly household. 

These pull out rubbish bins are easy to install and quick to assemble. For this reason, they are a good idea if you’re retired or have a disability. Before getting one of these, you’ll need to make sure that the height of the bin will fit into your cupboard. Make sure to check that there is no plumbing or anything that will get in the way of where you want your bin. 

kitchen food bin

Fitted Kitchen Bins

This is another great option if you’re looking for a kitchen bin that you can keep hidden. Fitted units can easily be slotted into the cupboard space. You can also use these to store things beside rubbish (for example, pet food). 

However, these also take up cupboard space that you could be using to store kitchen appliances. You will also need to ensure that these do not leak as the smell will linger in your cupboard. 

The number of bins that fit into sink drawers is expanding with special low height options that fit into the base of your drawer like the Kia Ora range that fit specific width drawer runners like the Sige bins. Sige also makes drawer runners with handy storage tubs for cleaning products for the drawer above your rubbish bin.

Multiple Compartment Kitchen Bins

Then there are options for multiple compartment units. Wesco has a 4 bin system (2×20, 26 or 32lt bins plus 2x10lt bins) that fit neatly into a 600mm wide drawer. Room for all your recyclables and making access a breeze.

You can see all these kitchen bin options on the Wesco website or ask your kitchen designer to plan in the most appropriate bin system for your new kitchen.


These are easy to use and will fit into your home décor flawlessly. These bins come in different designs and sizes – making them great for small kitchens and larger spaces. For example, stainless steel bins are popular and very easy to slot bin liners into.

This type of waste bin is easy to move around, clean and use. Another benefit is that the price varies! You can get a pedal bin for a very low cost or you can opt for a fancier one for your home. The shape is also something that you can be picky about with pedal bins. Round, square or rectangular – there are many options available. 

The only con with these bins is that you have to open them and keep them held open with your foot. This can be a little annoying if you need to hold your balance for too long while trying to fit something into the kitchen bin. 


These waste bins for your home act as filters for waste that can be recycled. They come in many different shapes and styles. You can get a large one to fit your whole family’s recyclable waste into. Or, they can be small, handheld bins that you can simply pick up and put on a larger recycling pile. 

For example, compost bins can be easily emptied out onto the compost heap. This makes recycling quick and easy! These recycling kitchen bins are small and dedicated to a different cause – so you will still need another kitchen bin for general waste in your home.

different colour bins

Final Thoughts On Choosing The Right Kitchen Bin For Your Home

Bins are necessary, but that doesn’t mean you should randomly pick one! These are accessories for your home.  From a compost bin, pedal bin or pull out bin to stainless steel rubbish bins, you can choose the type of kitchen bin that best suits your waste needs.

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